The Blind Babies Program is a year-round service provided by 14 ASB non-profit agencies specializing in services to visually impaired throughout Florida. Most, but not all, have “Lighthouse” as part of their name. Babies/Toddlers, birth to age 5 learn to use all their senses and whatever remaining vision so they reach child development stages and enter kindergarten ready to learn. Parents learn to apply parenting skills and specific supportive interactions with their child to foster age-appropriate developmental growth.
717 babies served in 2021.
A Story from one of our members: “I remember the day we realized that he couldn’t see, as if it was yesterday. He was 8 months old, and he wouldn’t reach for his toys. His eyes rolled but he couldn’t find my face when I spoke his name. He was my first child. We were terrified.” Now his teachers say he has what it takes to be in college. “I’ll tell any mother, ‘Keep pushing. Don’t take blindness for a weakness and don’t give your child a pity party. Try anything and get your family to go along with it.’”