Ellyn Drotzer

Ellyn Drotzer, President

Lighthouse of Broward County
Anissa Pieriboni

Anissa Pieriboni, Vice-President

Florida Center for the Blind
Scott Flagel

Scott Flagel, Treasurer

Lighthouse of Collier
Chantel Buck

Chantel Buck, Secretary

New Vision for Independence
Stefanie Pontlitz

Stefanie Pontlitz, Officer at Large

Lighthouse for the Visually Impaired & Blind
Raven Holloway

Raven Holloway, Officer at Large

Independence for the Blind of West Florida
Sheryl Brown

Sheryl Brown

Lighthouse for the Blind & Low Vision (former Tampa LH)
Kim Church

Kim Church

Lighthouse of Pinellas
Kyle Johnson

Kyle Johnson

Lighthouse Central Florida
LightHouse LVEC Logo 2019

Alexandra Elman-Foley

Lighthouse Vision Loss Education Center (former LH of Manasota)
Lighthouse of the big bend

Tina Torrence

LBB (former LH Of Big Bend)
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Amy Singer

Lighthouse of South Florida
Conklin Logo

Ronee David

Center for the Visually Impaired (CVI)
Conklin Davis Center for the Visually Impaired
FOCB Logo5252018

Carolyn Lapp

Florida Outreach Center for the Blind
Lighthouse for the Blind of the Palm Beaches logo

Lisa Stella

Lighthouse for the Blind of the Palm Beaches

Michael Pugh

Vision Education & Rehabilitation Center